
On 1 April, 2020, our branch held the first pilot-online seminar

On 1 April, 2020, our branch held the first pilot-online seminar at the Zoom and Moodle platforms.

Our coach was Negmetzhanova Mariam Kadyrovna, Master of Psychology, International Coaches Union ICU Coach Trainer of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – held a seminar on “Women’s Leadership”. The purpose of the seminar – to reveal the characteristics of female leadership for success. 52 participants of the seminar, were employeesof human resources management services of government apparatus of our region, first registered in the Moodle system using the link where they had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the rules and procedures for conducting online training, as well as with the speaker’s program and his resume.

The webinar was at the Zoom platform, where participants had the opportunity not only to write in the chat, but also to actively ask questions by the video mode and take part in the discussion. Following the results of the seminar, all the participants were tested.

The main goal of the seminar was to demonstrate and test the technical capabilities of Zoom and Moodle platforms for remote online seminars and the possibility of holding them in the regions.