
«Urban policy: concept and development strategy»

On April 20-24, 2020, in the branch of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Almaty region, a seminar is planned for the advanced training of civil servants in ONLINE mode.

        ONLINE seminar consists of3 modules:

       1st module: «Urban policy: concept and development strategy»

       2nd module: «Technologies for achieving goals»

       3rd module: « Official subscription based on Latin graphics»

       Trainers: Daueshova Aliуa Erkinovna – Associate Professor of the Institute of Management of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Negmetzhanov Talgat Tursunakhunovich – chief inspector of the department of organizational and inspection work of the apparatus of the akim of Almaty region, trainer-practitioner.

         The seminar will be held on the MOODLE, Microsoft Teams platforms